Monday, August 22, 2016

Guide Me Home by Kim Vogel Sawyer

by Andrea Renee Cox

"A legacy is worth protecting."
~ Guide Me Home by Kim Vogel Sawyer

A legacy is something a person works his or her whole life to build up, then hands it over to the next generation as an inheritance.

In her latest novel, Kim Vogel Sawyer explores different types of legacies. The approach she took was especially creative, since she presented four unique perspectives on the subject. It was neat to see how one person can help build up a family's legacy... or tear it apart. Or how someone who doesn't have children may still create a legacy to leave behind for other folks to enjoy.

Though Kim has children and grandchildren, who are a legacy in themselves, her legacy of faith also pours out through each of her novels to everyone blessed to read them. It's quite evident that she saturates her writing time with prayer, not just for her career as a writer but also for the impact her words will have upon the hearts of her readers. Because of this dedication to God's legacy of faith on her life, Kim pens beautiful stories that wrap around the heart and into a person's soul. What a magnificent legacy!

Guide Me Home captured the essence of a growing faith. Every scene in each chapter built on the one before in a sort of intricate word-dance that intertwined the various challenges, sorrows, and joys of the characters Kim Sawyer brought to life. The depth and range of emotions she laced through this story remind me how much I still need to learn in my own writing journey.

Once I finished reading this book, I realized Guide Me Home had become my second favorite Kim Vogel Sawyer novel, after only My Heart Remembers. It's tough to beat some of her other historical books, as they're fantastic stories in their own rights, but it just goes to show how much effort, passion, and talent God has given Kim for this writing adventure of hers.

*I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

About Guide Me Home:

Working as a guide in Mammoth Cave might allow 

Rebekah the chance to bring joy back to her family.

But will the cave claim more than it gives? 
Now available!

After tragedy leaves its mark on Rebekah Hardin’s family, she plans to help her parents and six siblings honor her beloved brother’s memory and alleviate their poverty by working as a guide in the dangerous cave system. Kentucky’s renowned Mammoth Cave presents profitable opportunities for hardworking, capable men. But Rebekah is determined and if it means presenting herself as a himself, then she’s up to the job.  
Under the wing of experienced guide Tolly Sanford, “Reb” begins to learn the complexities of the cave. The two are joined by an aspiring young cartographer, Devlin Bale. The university student has traveled to the hill country to map tunnels—not to fall for a girl in disguise. 

Can the God who designed miles of underground astonishment shape Devlin’s ambitious plans and free Reb from the weight of her past? 

About Kim Vogel Sawyer:

Kim Vogel Sawyer
In 1966, Kim Vogel Sawyer told her kindergarten teacher that someday people would check out her book in libraries. That little-girl dream came true in 2006 with the release of Waiting for Summer's Return. Since then, Kim has watched God expand her dream beyond her childhood imaginings. With over 30 titles on library shelves and more than a million copies of her books in print, she enjoys a full-time writing and speaking ministry. Empty-nesters, Kim and her retired military husband, Don, operate a bed-and-breakfast inn in small-town Kansas with the help of their four feline companions. When she isn't writing, Kim stays active serving in her church's women's and music ministries, traveling with "The Hubs," and spoiling her quiverful of granddarlings. You can learn more about Kim's writing at

Keep your eyes on this blog over the next month or so. I just might have a giveaway of Guide Me Home headed your way.

What type of legacy are you building up for the next generation?

How can you turn a bad legacy into a good one?

Because last week's winner had already won the book, she asked me to choose a new winner. The new winner is Suzanne! Congratulations on winning a copy of The Ringmaster's Wife.

Join the conversation! Answer today's questions in a comment.

If you liked this article, please share it.


Anonymous said...

A legacy of faith and love for Our Lord and Blessed Mother.

Andrea Cox said...

Faith legacies are my favorite ones!