Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Tinsel Tidings {short story}

Before we get to the short story, I have a brief announcement to make. I have deleted my Facebook and Instagram accounts. They were fun while they lasted, but the new Terms and Conditions were much too intrusive for my taste.

My only social media accounts right now are Twitter and Goodreads. I would adore it if you'd follow me at one or both places, but the most important place at which to follow me is my blog, Writing to Inspire. There is a "follow by e-mail" option on the right-hand sidebar (on desktop), for your convenience.

I hope you'll have a delightful Christmas with your loved ones, and may the new year increase your joy a thousand fold.


Monday, December 7, 2020

Buddy Reading the Bible

Recently, I began studying the book of Hebrews with a friend. It's a tough book for me at times, so I'm grateful to be going through it with somebody. Sharing thoughts about it, what jumps out to each of us, and the way certain verses relate to our lives is turning out to be enriching and encouraging. We're only a few chapters in, but we've both expressed hope that we'll understand the book better by the time we're finished studying Hebrews.

Have you ever buddy read a book of the Bible with a friend?

Which book of the Bible are you studying right now?

Sunday, December 6, 2020

Busy Life

Hey, friends. It's been a packed week.

I have not forgotten about you, my lovelies, but between helping my parents cut down some old and dying trees and writing more in my road trip story and running errands and working and getting some stuff prepped for a January surprise (stay tuned)...

There has been hardly any time left to even think about my blog all week. In fact, I only thought about it yesterday after more work on the trees in the yard.

At that point, all I wanted was to sit down and sip some lemonade (which I did).

That being said, I'm going to try super hard this afternoon to get something sorted for you guys tomorrow. It will likely be short, so please don't get overly excited.

I hope you're having a blessed Sunday.