Monday, August 4, 2014

The Kissing Bridge

By Andrea Renee Cox

“The day of her sister’s death had also started Rebecca on her path to leaving the Amish.”

Graduating from high school, going to college, becoming a nurse… none of these things describe an Amish girl, but because of her sister’s death, those are things Rebecca Troyer strives to do. She won’t be caught unprepared for another emergency, not when she can learn the skills that could help save lives. Abandoning her family and Amish ways, she sets off on a journey to gain a worldly education. On the way to Portland, she makes a pit stop in West Kootenai, Montana, to visit a friend.

Caleb Hooley is on a life-changing journey of his own. After watching his grandfather fade away, he wants to live the adventurous life his grandfather always dreamed of. When this Amish bachelor goes on a week-long trek into the wilderness, falling in love was the furthest thing from his mind.

When Rebecca decides to join the traveling party, will one week be long enough for both she and Caleb to discover a Love greater than the tentative one growing between them? Will they choose to remain Amish, or will they leave everything they’ve known to explore the possibilities the world has to offer them?

The Kissing Bridge by Tricia Goyer (the third installment in her Seven Brides for Seven Bachelors series) is an adventure not to be missed. With humor and spunky characters, this story digs deep into who you think you are and who you want to be. While Rebecca and Caleb were figuring those things out for themselves, I found myself getting tidbits that had to do with what I was going through in my own life. I consider them little confirmations of what God was busy doing in my life while I read this novel. He often works through novels with me because reading them is one of my favorite hobbies (I can’t remember a time when I didn’t love reading).

“The harder part is relinquishing how I think things should happen and opening my heart up to what God wants.” That’s a lesson we all have to learn eventually, to let go of trying to control every situation. Sometimes we’ll be in control, but most of the times we won’t. Things happen that throw our plans out the window. We have to make clutch decisions and alter our plans, but God always knows what’s coming for us and provides options. Which door will we go through? Which opportunity will we take? Praying about what God wants for us is our way of tuning in to what God wants, letting Him lead us. It’s not always the easiest thing to do, trusting God, but it’s always the right thing to do. And His blessings abound when we trust Him. We are His children, after all. Why wouldn’t He bless us when we seek His will for our lives?
Tricia Goyer
Author of The Kissing Bridge
Thank you to Tricia Goyer for adding me to her reviewer list. I appreciate the complimentary book in exchange for my honest review. I thoroughly enjoyed The Kissing Bridge and highly recommend it to anyone who loves adventure. Especially the kind that happens through the pages of a book.

Readers, it’s your turn to weigh in. What journey are you taking with God these days? How does relinquishing control to what God wants play a role in your life?

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