Monday, April 15, 2019

Seeking a Sign

"But [Jesus] sighed deeply in His spirit, and said, 'Why does this generation seek a sign? Assuredly, I say to you, no sign shall be given to this generation.'"
Mark 8:12 NKJ

We all want to see signs to know we're on the right road. Vacations don't happen without a map, GPS, or app on our phones, and road signs declaring highway numbers, street names, and exits are crucial for reaching our destinations. The only problem with becoming accustomed to relying on signage is that we might forget that faith requires no sign.

Faith is believing that Jesus came down from Heaven to be born on Earth in order that He might minister to thousands of people, then sacrifice Himself to save us from eternal death. He died and rose from the tomb to bridge the gap between God and us that our sin (beginning with the sin of Adam and Eve, but going all the way through each human being who ever has and will live on this earth) created. Faith is believing in Jesus though we have not seen Him in person.

"Jesus said to him, 'Thomas, because you have seen Me, you have believed.
Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.'"
John 20:29 NKJ

This faith changes us. Day by day, year by year, when we dig deep with God and seek His will for our lives, we become less like our sinful pre-saved selves and more like Jesus Christ. We'll come to rely on His personal guidance in our lives rather than on outward signs that we have to see before we choose to believe what He says is true.

As part of my own journey of faith, it's been really neat to see how my thoughts have altered from wanting to see signs and miracles to know for sure I'm on the right road... to digging deep into God's holy Word and working hard to gain characteristics such as compassion, kindness, patience, and encouragement, with the guidance of the Lord.

He's also leading me into greater determination in my work, not by signs but by knowledge from His Word that His people work hard for Him, and by the peace He has placed in my heart that my work (both in tutoring and in writing) are things that are pleasing to Him. I'm learning more every day about how "dreams don't work unless you do," as one of the artwork plaques in my living room claims. Yet, it's only in faith in Jesus that I trust Him to lead me without huge neon signs down whichever path He has planned for me.

Whether or not that path includes publication for my books is yet to be known, but this journey is not about racking up the accolades for myself. It's about bringing praise and glory to His name, the sweet name of Jesus. May He be glorified in all that we do each day.

May we always remember that faith requires no sign, only hard work and a heart for Jesus.

How have you seen your faith strengthened when you chose to trust Jesus rather than seek a sign?

April's reading challenge features small shops.

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