Monday, August 5, 2019

Run Well

We all have choices to make along life's journey. Some are as easy as right verses wrong. Others are more complex with no clear right or wrong answer.

The most important thing about making these choices is to make sure whichever one we make is lined up with God's will. Prayer and time spent in the Bible are crucial for hearing God's direction in our lives.

Once we hear that sweet whisper of truth in our hearts, we must protect it and run with it, obeying God's call upon our lives at each turn the path before us takes. This isn't always easy, because people and things like to tug at us to do other things. But as Paul asked the Galatians, we must be on our guard against those who would hinder us from obeying the truth God called us to.

Yes, even if it's our family or close friends who try to pull us from the right-for-us thing to do. Saying no isn't easy, but sometimes choosing to do the right thing in obeying the truth means we must say no to something or someone else.

What are you doing to run your race well? How do the people around you support your calling?

For me, the current call of God on my heart is to work on my writing. Thankfully, my family is supportive of this call and have allowed me space and time in which to work on my craft and hone my process.

1 comment:

Dawn Cox said...

The Lord has blessed you with the gift of writing. May your journey with it be a blessing to you, and others, as you continue to search for and follow HIS will.